The aim of Software Carpentry is to enable researchers to be more productive while
producing work of higher quality. This online material teaches the key skills
required to practise robust computational science effectively and efficiently, and
provide an overview of some of the tools and resources available for modern
computational biology.
The material contains introductions for novices to the Unix Shell, Python and git.

Here you can find a copious collection of course materials for the Software Carpentry workshop taken place in Berlin 2017-06-19/2017-06-20

Here you can find a copious collection of course materials for the Software Carpentry workshop taken place in Würzburg 2017-09-04/2017-09-05


Dr. Georg Zeller
Malvika Sharan
Toby Hodges (toby.hodges (at) embl (dot) de)

Type of Material

Exercices, handouts, scripting data, solutions, Jupyter notebooks